Without throwing thousands into ads, without monthly discounts, and without any actual whacking (of course).

  • Have a city of customers who won’t take action, even when you toss 'em discounts?

  • Trying everything to stand out in your niche like the moon at night but still feel your customers treat you like the last pick in sports?

  • Doing everything "right" when it comes to retention copy, but your profits sing a different tune?

  • Earning enough to get by day-to-day, but still don’t have the freedom to live your dreams?

I can help.

I’m Immanuel, a Retention Engineer.

who uses the Empathetic Retention Flywheel. Never heard of it? Makes sense, as this is Silver Avant. This flywheel helps clients transform their emails from background noise into emails that STAND OUT amongst a monotonous crowd.

The What Flywheel?

(Alright, no need to raise your brow.)

The Empathetic Retention Flywheel is focused on providing you a sustainable, long-term, profitable channel.How?By focusing on retention, we can hyper specify the content your customers engage with. This hyper specialization allows the flywheel to strengthen the bond between your business and customers.A bond sewn with empathy. When your customers go through their day, whether they're reading emails or watching Netflix.Their actions are constantly influenced by their emotions.What the Empathetic Retention Flywheel does is provide your customers an emotional experience with you.Such that when they see your emails, it's like seeing the shows in your "currently watching" section on Netflix.Getting a picture of the Empathetic Retention Flywheel now?A sustainable, highly profitable, customer relationship building, profit strategy.

You’re an executive - I won’t insult your intelligence by explaining how vital retention is.

You know it’s the most cost-effective way to increase your profits…You know that it’s a marketing strategy that isn’t subject to social media’s whims…You know it can provide consistent, predictable income every month…So why isn’t yours performing as expected?Well, it could be a plot.OR MAYBEIt’s not performing because you don’t know how to do it.And you don’t know how to do it because you aren’t a retention engineer (wink).

No Plot, Then What?

Look, I’m not claiming to be the only person in the world that generates companies more profit.But trust me when I say there is a miniscule pool of people who genuinely care about (sniffle) stuffing your pockets. I just happen to be one of them.The other 98.7% come straight from some random youtube video looking to fill their pockets before bouncing like a fling.So while you could allow these people to touch your business—if you’re actually serious about scaling your business—you need someone who knows what’s working and still looking to innovate.

HOLD ON A Second...

I don't work with just any Tom, Dick or Harry.

We’re a good fit if….

  • Your business MRR is doing at least $50,000 = $600,000 ARR.

  • You are willing to try an out-of-the-box approach to your retention method. And you're willing to have your own ideas challenged.

  • You’re looking for a partner; someone who is actually invested in your success, not just looking for a quick payday.

  • You understand that retention is an investment with a delightful return. Not just an expense, or a check off your to-do list.

I have these requirements so that your time isn’t wasted (or mine).Because if you don’t fit this criteria, more than likely you’re not actually willing to change.
(even if you say you are.)
And if you're not willing to change, your business isn't ready to grow.

Here's Silver Avant's Philosophy

We'll create the greatest retention-based pieces possible. Backed with vintage direct response principles; amped up with the latest scientific insights into how people think.People can be like a croissant with communication: flaky. We consider ourselves more like lunch: consistent. With 8 hours a day, five days a week of open communication.When working with you we understand that your customer relationship can make or break your business at any moment. This is why we use our Empathetic Retention Flywheel to nurture you a garden of customers who'll grow alongside your business.

Pass The Silver Phases To Raise Your Profit.

Research Phase: Days 1-10

The goal is to establish some footing with your business.Performing an in-depth inspection of your retention ecosystem.While also deep diving into research on your product, brand, customers and competitors.

Startup Phase: Days 11-60

This is where the rubber meets the road. Create and implement website pop-up, create and implement email flows, begin sending email campaigns with weekly progress reports.Focus in the latter days will shift gears from creation & implementing to sharpening and implementing.

Bespoke Phase: Days 61+

Only one word: Bespoke.

Pinky Promise?

You've read everything to this point and are still looking for a reason?I'm going to make a bold assumption and say you're probably very risk-averse but want to increase your retention efforts.If this is you, I'll share something I do for my clients as a showing of my confidence.If this is you, I'd like to make a pinky promise with you.The Silver Pinky Promise: I'll nail you the bullseye of 250% ROI by the end of the 2nd phase (60 days) or I hand you your bucks back.

Ready for more profit?